Exploring real-world
issues through the power
of language

Keynote speaker / Linguist / Communicator / Social Commentator 

Personalised keynotes

Communicate ideas, raise awareness, challenge existing narratives, foster understanding, evoke emotions, spark meaningful conversations, and inspire change.

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Business Insights

Rethink how you achieve influence, buy-in, authority, and impact. Advice and guidance for CEOs, boards, and executives.

Brand is the part of identity you want to promote

Your brand is not who you are. Identity is who you are. Brand is a subset of your identity. Your brand is the bits of your identity that you want to share with the world. It's how you want to be seen. If your brand and identity are out of alignment, it’s an organisational disaster waiting to happen.

Ask yourself six simple questions

At its core, identity is found in the answers to very simple questions like what do you do? and what’s your value? You’d think we’d be really good at answering fundamental questions like these, but most of us struggle to make small talk at a barbeque, let alone define our organisation’s identity.

The value of a 'vision' is in binding successive strategies together

Most organisations get their 'vision' and 'purpose' wrong. A vision only has value in terms of strategy - it helps to bind successive strategies together, so that you stay on track to achieve that vision. It's the same with your purpose. No organisation or person has one single purpose that drives them. Life is more complicated than that.

Social Commentary

Examine how language reflects and influences social dynamics, power structures, and cultural values.

Discover the
origins of words

Get insights into the history, culture, and evolution of words and how they shape the world.